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Can cats feel your affection?

From the perspective of promoting mental health, many academic studies have found that keeping pets or increasing interaction with pets can help people relieve stress, improve happiness, maintain physical and mental health, and even help some patients recover.

In recent years, many studies have pointed out that cats have more delicate minds than we think. They have unique personalities, and they can also recognize the owner's voice and smell, as well as distinguish the owner's emotions. Moreover, when the owner is in a negative for a long time, the cat will also feel the pressure and become more prone to illness. Therefore, how to correctly express emotions to your cat and create an environment that cats love is a must for the owner!

1. Blink slowly

Want to show love to your cat? Blinking lightly is a great way! In the cat world, blinking slowly means showing goodwill and friendliness.

2. Groom the cat

There are many benefits to grooming your cat. Grooming the cat can reduce hair loss, and the cat's coat will become softer and more beautiful. Cat owners can also take this opportunity to check the cat's physical condition and enhance mutual feelings.

Groom your cat for about 3 minutes a day. When brushing, you can start with the neck, and then slowly move to the back. Remember to brush in the direction of hair growth so that the cat will not be uncomfortable.

3. Play games with the cat

If you plan to develop a relationship with your pet cat and express your concern, it is suggested that the owner can prepare some cat toys and play some interactive games with the cat.