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Will indoors kitten feel boring?

Kittens have endless vigor and curiosity, and can bring unlimited joy to the family members. It is precisely because of the cat's curiosity and vigorous energy that if there is a lack of stimulation in the indoor environment, the cat's life will be boring and uninteresting.

A daily life without challenges, the unchanging pheromones in the air, the unchanging furnishings at home, and the food cats can get without hard work. Over time, cats will become picky eaters and do not like to move. Enriching the kitten’s living environment with cat supplies is not only to help the cat burn calories, but more importantly, to maintain the cat’s interest and participation in family life.

Cats were originally hunting animals. Cats raised indoors also have hunting instincts. In order to satisfy the cat's hunting instinct, cat toys are an indispensable item. In the cat's brain, when he chases toys, the brain secretes dopamine to bring happiness. When he grasps the toy, the brain secretes endorphins to bring excitement and happiness.

The benefit of playing cat toys:

1. The stimulating life of playing with cat toys helps cats eliminate stress and reduce the risk of self-harm, such as aggressive behavior and destructive impulses caused by stress.

2. After consuming enough energy during the day, the cat will slowly follow the pace of life of the owner. It helps prevent the behavior of waking up the owner in the middle of the night and running around.

3. Playing together is an important communication with kittens. It can establish a trusting relationship between the owner and the cat. By observing the movement of the cat in daily games, the owner can also quickly notice the cat’s disease.